Isla Vista Clinic


Make Your Appointment Today!
Call Toll Free: 844-594-0343
Fax: 805-968-7041

Services Available

  • Family Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Reproductive Health
  • Behavioral Health Services
  • Acupuncture Services
  • Podiatry
  • Chronic Care Management
  • Health Promotion Services

Servicios Disponibles

  • Medicina Familiar
  • Pediatría
  • Salud Reproductiva
  • Servicios de Salud Mental
  • Servicios de Acupuntura
  • Podología
  • Mantenimiento de Condiciones Cronicás
  • Servicios de Promoción de Salud

After Hours

If you have a medical emergency, please call 911, or go to the nearest emergency room.
To reach the on-call doctor, please call 1 (844) 594-0343.

Después del Horario Regular

Si usted tiene una emergencia médica por favor marque el 911. O vaya a la sala de emergencias más cercana.
Si necesita hablar con el médico de guardia marque el 1 (844) 594-0343.

COVID-19 TESTING at our clinics

During the CoVid-19/Coronavirus outbreak, the Santa Barbara Neighborhood Clinics (SBNC) asks that our patients please refer to the home page on our clinic procedures.

Times and services may have changed.


Walk-in and same day appointments based on availability.
Atendemos sin cita basado en disponibilidad.

MONDAY/LUNES 8:15 am – 6:00 pm
TUESDAY/MARTES 8:15 am – 6:00 pm
WEDNESDAY/MIÉRCOLES 8:15 am – 6:00 pm
THURSDAY/JUEVES 8:15 am – 6:00 pm
FRIDAY/VIERNES 8:15 am – 6:00 pm
SATURDAY/SÁBADO 8:30 am – 12:00 pm

Special Hours / Horas especial

New Year’s Day: Mon., January 1 Closed/Cerrado
MLK Jr. Day: Mon., January 15 Closed/Cerrado
Memorial Day: Mon., May 27 Closed/Cerrado
Juneteenth: Wed., June 19 Closed/Cerrado
Independence Day: Thurs., July 4 Closed/Cerrado
Labor Day: Mon., September 2 Closed/Cerrado
Thanksgiving Day: Thurs., November 28 Closed/Cerrado
Thanksgiving Day After: Fri., November 29 Closed/Cerrado
Christmas Eve: Tues., December 24 Closed/Cerrado
Christmas: Wed., December 25 Closed/Cerrado
ATTENTION: UCSB/SBCC students, let us be your after hours care! CLICK HERE

Our ISLA VISTA CLINIC is less than a mile away from UCSB and provides numerous services at later hours to fit the needs and schedule of your busy student life.
Walk-Ins are welcome or call to schedule an appointment at 844-594-0343

Need dental work done too? We have our Goleta Dental Clinic not too far from campus.
Call 805-617-7900 to schedule an appointment.

Our EASTSIDE and WESTSIDE clinics are right in your neighborhood, also offering evening hours. Walk-Ins welcome or call to schedule an appointment at 844-594-0343.

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